
It is best to make living arrangements before you enter the US. For assistance with this contact your department supervisor or the Office for Institutional Compliance. Below are some housing options to consider.

Temporary housing

Hotels/Motels - You can find many hotels in the Springfield area by visiting the Springfield Chamber of Commerce website. Remember, if you are not staying near the campus, you will have to make arrangements to get around town while settling in (for example: taxi, rental car). There is some public transportation in Springfield, so you may want to ask the hotel you are staying at if they are on a bus route.

Permanent housing

You can check out the local newspapers: the Springfield News-Leader, for an apartment, duplex, and housing rentals. Such ads will be located in the "Real Estate" or "Classified Ad" sections of the papers, under "Apartments for Rent", "Duplexes for Rent" and "Houses for Rent".

Another source of apartment listings is the Yellow Pages of the Telephone Directory. Look under "Apartments" or "Real Estate" for non-university numbers to call. Some apartment complexes provide shuttle service to and from Missouri State University.

Here is a list of a few realtors in the Springfield Community: