Sponsored Student & Sponsoring Agencies

Our Approach

Sponsored students work closely with their MSU host advisor to locate, pursue, and develop opportunities that align with the three pillars of MSU’s public affair’s mission: developing ethical leadership while contributing to the common good; developing cultural competence by expanding knowledge of, respect for, and skills to engage with those of other cultures; and engaging with the community by recognizing needs and using knowledge and skills to address those needs.

Students in Action

  • Djibo & ASL class
  • Students at Pipkin Middle School
  • Students at the Global Education Lab
  • Students at Seuss Days
  • Students at Potters

Specialized Courses

In addition to providing students with advisement and assistance on enrolling in courses within their academic major, MSU strongly encourages sponsored students to enroll in the following courses. These courses help students meet their program outcomes related to cultural and global engagement as well as building academic skills:

EEM 576—Internship in Global Education

This 1-5 hour for-credit internship, integrates students into their “Global” context, the place where local meets global. Together, students will contribute to the operation of the College of Education’s Global Education Lab and create global education programs that contribute to building community for students, staff, and faculty.

IDS 297—American Culture

This interdisciplinary studies course explores cross-cultural and intercultural communication by investigating the notions of culture from three perspectives: culture as a national phenomenon, as a social phenomenon, and as an individual phenomenon. Students develop a more sophisticated understanding of the aspects of American cultural literacy.