Celebrating Chinese New Year 2024 with our Chinese visiting scholars
Before initiating a request for a visiting scholar, MSU host department supervisors
should work with the invited visiting scholars to complete all the required supporting
documents. These documents will help ensure that MSU—the sponsor—meets the general
program administration requirements, assigns the appropriate visiting scholar category
(Professor & Research Scholar, Short-term Scholar, or Specialist), and assists the
scholar and department in identifying appropriate resources.
New J-1 Scholar Resources
Initiating Request
To initiate a J-1 scholar request, MSU department administrators or faculty will need
to login to Terra Dotta, our online immigration software. Contact International Service’s
International Enrollment Coordinator for access to the Missouri State University ISSS Portal.
Once you log in to Terra Dotta, select “New Sponsorship Request” at the top left of
the page. You will need departmental admin and faculty contact information and the
scholar’s contact information.
The host department should also upload the scholar’s required documents to Terra Dotta.
Document Checklist.
Issuing Immigration Document(s)
International Services will review the documents and issue a Form DS-2019, which will
allow the scholar to apply for a J-1 visa at a U.S. Consulate. Form DS-2019 will include
the Exchange Visitor’s category (Professor & Research Scholar, Short-term Scholar,
or Specialist). At this time, International Services will also submit an M# request
for the scholar to Human Resources.
Accessing Immigration Document(s)
When Form DS-2019 is complete (3-5 business days) and Human Resources has created
an M# for the scholar, International Services will email the following to the host
department and the scholar:
A welcome letter containing the visiting scholar’s M#, instructions for creating a
Missouri State account, and instructions on paying the SEVIS fee in preparation for
the J-1 visa interview.
An invitation for the scholar to join Terra Dotta and access Form DS-2019.
Choose Adjunct Faculty / University Associates PAF, the last option on the page.
Enter all required information, including M Number
Job Type should be Adjunct Faculty
Change Type: New Appointment
From and To dates: dates should match those listed on the DS-2019
Initiator Comments: This language should match that on the scholar’s Form DS-2019
about the purpose of the exchange visitor’s program—e.g., “Scholar will be conducting
Attach a PDF of the Department Invitation Letter and the scholar’s CV
To get the visitors access to certain campus resources, departments must make arrangements
with those offices—e.g., for building access or office keys, make the request with
Key Control; for meal plans and Dining Dollars, contact Chartwells; etc.
Getting started: Collecting Materials
Prospective scholars should actively work with their MSU host department and provide
the department with PDFs of the following documents:
Your passport biographical page (and dependent’s passport biographical page if applicable)
J-1 Program Agreement signed by both the scholar and the MSU host department
Proof of English Language Proficiency—acceptable documentation includes: test scores,
an English Language Proficiency Form completed by MSU supervisor, or documentation
from home school or university
Your Résumé or CV
Financial Support Documentation—offer letter if MSU host department provides support
or proof of funding that shows at least $1,000 per month for the scholar, with an
additional $600 for a spouse and $300 for each child
Accessing Your Immigration Documents
When your Form DS-2019 is prepared, you will receive an email with instructions on
activating your Missouri State University account. Once you have access, you will
be able to log in to our immigration software, Terra Dotta, and access your Form DS-2019.
Maintaining Immigration Status
Upon reviewing your Form DS-2019, it is essential that you check the information and
inform International Services and your MSU host department supervisor of any changes
that need to be made. Please also carefully read all terms and conditions on page
2 of your Form DS-2019. At that time, you will also need to pay the SEVIS fee and
refer to your nearest consulate for information regarding the interview process.
Before arriving, review the J-1 Program Agreement, which includes important information
regarding immigration responsibilities to maintain your J-1 visa status, enrolling
in health insurance plans that meet U.S. federal regulations for J-1 exchange visitors,
employment eligibility, and living in Springfield.
Within 20 days of arrival, you are required to meet with International Services so
that your SEVIS record can be validated. At that time, we will cover some additional
orientation items, including required campus safety training.
Throughout the year, we provide dinners and events for J-1 scholars and their department
contacts. Keep up to date with your MSU email for these!
You may also need to contact International Services for the following items during
your visit:
Letter to Obtain a Drivers License
Letter to Obtain a Social Security Number, if applicable
Extending your stay (or shorten it by 30 days or more)
Insurance Requirements
All exchange visitors must have insurance in effect that covers sickness or accidents
during their stay in the U.S. This includes coverage for accompanying spouses and
Minimum coverage must provide:
Medical benefits of at least $100,000 per accident or illness;
Repatriation of remains in the amount of $25,000;
Expenses associated with the medical evacuation of exchange visitors to his or her
home country in the amount of $50,000; and
Deductibles not to exceed $500 per accident or illness.