ELI Professional Development Conference

TESOL & SLA Professional Development Conference

Feedback Wanted!

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Schedule Overview

Schedule of Sessions

TESOL & SLA Professional Development Conference

Missouri State University English Language Institute

9:00 - 30-minute Sessions

Room Presentation Presenter
410 Warm Up to Wake Up Davy (Dung) Tran
401 Features in the Acquisition of English Relative Clauses by Chinese ESL Learners Zhenru Liu

9:40 - 50-minute Sessions

Room Presentation Presenter
410 Where Does an Error End and Language Change Begin? Terry Barakat and
Jennifer Johnston
401 Turning Listening on its Ear

Melinda Brown-Mason

North Kansas City Schools

10:40 - 50-minute Sessions

Room Presentation Presenter
410 Lessons from CELTA: Using Frameworks Phil Bridges
401 Motivating Saudi learners

Zach Spiering


11:30 - "(Net)Working" Lunch

Sign up for one of the networking lunch groups in the 4th floor lobby (or eat lunch on your own).

1:00 - 30-minute Sessions

Room Presentation Presenter
410 Understanding the Value of Imagination in Language Learning Faeze Safari
ETS research scholar
401 Explaining the Rules of English Grammar to Arabic Speakers Samah Faqeeh

1:30 - Plenary and Discussion

Room Presentation Presenter
410 Lessons from the Summit on the Future of the TESOL Profession

Deborah Osborne

Director of the Applied English Center at the University of Kansas

All sessions will be in the Morris Center at 301 S. Jefferson Ave in downtown Springfield, Missouri. There is no charge for attending the conference.

Please email any questions to Phil Bridges at PhilBridges@MissouriState.edu

Note that presentation documents were provided by the presenter; MSU has not verified the originality of any of the materials; the author is fully responsible for following Copyright laws.

Location & Parking


We are located in the Jim D. Morris Center, which is on the north (downtown) side of Missouri State University's Springfield campus.

301 South Jefferson Ave, Springfield, MO 65806

For more information, you can view the ELI's Contact page.

You can review an MSU campus visitor map. We are building number 142 (2-D block).

Parking Suggestions & Warnings:

  • Use the city lot* diagonal from our building (no pass required; note highlighted yellow block below);
  • Use the city streets* (highlighted in yellow below).
  • Do not park in the lot next to the Indian restaurant (on Jefferson Ave.)
  • Many people choose to ignore the "max 2 hours" signs in the highlighted areas in the map below, BUT we can't guarantee this you won't be ticketed. To be certain, you should consider the paid Parking Garages: The nearest paid parking garages are at :
    • 302E E McDaniel St, Springfield, MO 65806
    • 230N N Campbell Ave, Springfield, MO 65806

Parking Suggestions & Warnings

Visitor Information


Restaurants located in the downtown region (some of these are not in walking distance).

Overnight Visitors:

Nearby Accommodations:

You can also search lodgings.

*Note that we are not endorsing any of these businesses; this information is provided for your assistance.


If you have any questions regarding the conference, please review the answered questions below.

Will presenters have access to a projector and computer in the rooms?

Yes. All rooms have computers running Microsoft Windows 10, a projector, sound system, and various input cables. Someone will be available to log you in before you present. You will not be able to set up in advance because the computers reset their image after each log out, which means that everything is deleted.

How should I prepare my presentation (regarding technology)?

I suggest bringing everything on a flash drive or having an online presentation ready (think Google Presentation or Prezi). However, you could theoretically bring your laptop and plug it in to our tech carts with the cables that are already available there; however, the chances for unexplainable failure are higher.

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