Please review the employment options and requirements below. It is important that
you're aware of the information below to maintain your immigration status.
Optional practical training is one type of work authorization available for eligible
F-1 students. It allows students to get real-world work experience related to their
field of study.
While a Designated School Official (DSO) recommends OPT in SEVIS, it is the student
who must apply for the work permit with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service
(USCIS). If the OPT is approved, USCIS will issue an Employment Authorization Document
(EAD). The student must not begin working before the start date on the EAD.
For more Information on OPT please visit the Department of Homeland Security's website
"Study In The States".
All students are responsible for knowing the process of OPT independently. Missouri
State is not responsible for OPT outcomes. However, International Services does play
a part in your OPT process. It is strongly advised to attend one of the in-person
OPT workshops listed below.
Spring 2025 Workshop Schedule (all located in Jim D. Morris Center, Room 500)
Tuesday, February 18 → Rescheduled to Tuesday, February 25
11:00am - 1:00pm
Monday, March 10
2:00pm - 4:00pm
Wednesday, March 26
11:00am - 1:00pm
Tuesday, April 15
2:00pm - 4:00pm
Tuesday, May 13
11:00am - 1:00pm
Curricular Practical Training (CPT)
Curricular Practical Training (CPT) is temporary employment authorization that allows
an international student in F-1 immigration status to work off-campus and gain practical
experience in their field of study. The employment must be in the student’s field
of study and have a curricular requirement. Only a Primary or Designated School Official
(P/DSO) in the International Services Office can authorize CPT.
an “Integral part of an established curriculum;” and,
“Directly related to the student’s field of study.”
The regulations further define CPT to include any type of internship/practicum or
alternate work/study as offered through a cooperative agreement between a sponsoring
employer and the school.
“Integral part of an established curriculum” means that the practical training should
be a requirement of the curriculum or, if not required, the opportunity must be credit
bearing and leads to degree completion.
There are three scenarios in which International Services can authorize CPT:
An internship or practicum that is required for completion of the degree program as
published in the university’s catalog.
An internship or practicum that is a credit-bearing course and will count towards
completion of the degree.
Employment that is part of an established, formal co-operative educational agreement
between department and a specific employer.
The following is a list of required conditions to qualify for CPT
Be a full-time enrolled undergraduate or graduate student in active F-1 status.
Have been lawfully enrolled full-time at an SEVP-approved institution for a minimum
of one academic year (spring/fall semesters) prior to the CPT application.
First time in U.S. and MSU - complete two academic semesters at MSU
Full-time enrollment as a student on a previous visa, such as H4 may count toward
full-time enrollment.
Have maintained good academic standing prior to CPT application.
Undergraduate students - overall GPA of 2.00 after 24 attempted credit hours.
Graduate students - overall GPA of 3.00 after 9 attempted credit hours.
U.S. transfer students – at discretion of admitting academic department
Change of educational level or program – at discretion of the admitting academic department
Have not already completed all degree requirements. CPT cannot delay the student’s
expected completion of studies.
Final Semester – CPT can be authorized for the final semester if the training opportunity is required
for the degree program or satisfies an elective for the degree.
Fall/Spring Semesters Eligible for/must be:
Part-time CPT employment only (up to 20 hours/week)
Full-time enrollment (12 for undergraduate, 9 for graduate) including internship/practicum/co-op
Summer Semester Eligible for/must be:
Full-time CPT employment allowed (up to 40 hours/week)
Enrollment in internship/practicum/co-op course*
Directed Research Course (Graduate Students): Enrollment of 3 credit hours of thesis or dissertation credit is required in place
of an internship or practicum course.
Note: Each academic department sets the number academic credits needed or allowed for internship/practicum
courses and the number of work hours needed to fulfill the course or degree requirements.
*Non-CPT courses must have seated or blended course modality.
The training opportunity is off-campus, and the employer is not affiliated with the university.
The training opportunity is off-campus, and the employer is affiliated with the university but does not provide direct services to student.
The training opportunity is located on campus but offered through a third party that
does not provide direct student services.
The training opportunity is located on-campus, which does provide direct student services.
The opportunity is a true volunteer opportunity on a part-time basis for public service
or religious organizations.
CPT Request completed by student
Approval Questionnaire (within CPT Request) completed by academic advisor
Employer Offer Letter
Enrollment in appropriate practical training course and updated Degree Audit/Plan
of Study
For CPT thesis/dissertation credit - Letter from student’s thesis advisor/director:
Explaining how the CPT research opportunity is an integral part of the student’s proposal;
the expected period of research; and,
the expected thesis or dissertation completion date.
CPT is employer specific. Students may only work for the employer listed on the I-20.
CPT Location
Internship/practicum opportunities that are physically located outside of the state
of Missouri are permitted only if requested for summer CPT.
Paid vs Unpaid
Regulations do not require compensation to be a consideration for determining if the
training opportunity qualifies for CPT.
CPT authorization will always be required if the opportunity is paid and off-campus.
Training opportunities that are unpaid do not negate the need for CPT authorization.
It is always best to seek the advice of International Services first before participating
the in the opportunity.
The offer letter* should contain the following information and be written on company
Student’s name
Job Title
Total number of hours per week
Paid or not paid
Description of job duties
The physical work location (office location and remote work address)
Employment/training start and end dates
Mentor or supervisor and contact information
If CPT is for thesis or dissertation credit – statement from employer authorizing the use of the data generated to be included
in the thesis/dissertation paper
*Email or letter addendums directly from the employer are permitted if the original
offer letter does not have all the required information above.
CPT Authorization Period
CPT requests can be made for one semester at a time. Extensions require a new CPT
application and authorization.
Students may not begin the internship prior to the authorized start date or work past
the end date listed on the I-20.
Per federal regulations, working without first obtaining CPT authorization constitutes
working unauthorized. To align with these regulations the SEVIS system does not allow entry of retroactive
start dates.
Start date and end date should correspond with the dates of the semester.
START DATE: CPT authorizations can begin up to a week before the first day of the semester. Start
dates cannot overlap with the earlier semester or graduate assistantship appointments.
END DATE: CPT authorizations can extend through the break following a semester but must end
no later than the day before the next semester begins.
FINAL SEMESTER: The end date must end with the end of the semester.
Internship/Practicum/Co-op must be curricular
Students should be prepared to explain how the employment will fulfill the course
requirement by defining 2-3 learning objectives. This explanation is a required field in the SEVIS record.
Students using thesis credit as their CPT course may use their thesis summary for
all three (3) learning objectives.
Example of learning objective:
“During the internship, I will gain an in-depth understanding of principles learned
in CSC XXX Computer Science by improving the company's internal database performance.
I will be responsible for …”
Offer Letter
The offer letter* should contain the following information and be written on company
Student’s name
Job Title
Total number of hours per week
Paid or not paid
Description of job duties
The physical work location (office location and remote work address)
Employment/training start and end dates
Mentor or supervisor and contact information
If CPT is for thesis or dissertation credit – statement from employer authorizing the use of the data generated to be included
in the thesis/dissertation paper
*Email or letter addendums directly from the employer are permitted if the original
offer letter does not have all the required information above.
Students can request an update to an already authorized, current CPT by contacting the DSO who authorized the CPT and prepared the I-20.
Students should submit a new offer letter that reflects the change(s).
Students should wait until the changes have been approved before engaging in the changed CPT.
Students with approved full-time CPT are no longer eligible for on-campus employment.
Students with approved part-time CPT are eligible for on-campus employment, including
Graduate Assistantship appointments.
Acknowledgement and support of both positions from the Graduate Director is required.
It is recommended that GA appointments be less than ½ appointments when working simultaneously
with CPT.
Economic Hardship
Students who are experiencing severe economic hardship may be authorized to work off-campus.
Although MSU will provide some guidance as they do play a small part in the application,
it is up to the student to apply independently. They can find out more on this application
process online at USCIS.