CELTA Tutors
Jennifer Johnston
Hello! I started teaching English as a Second Language in August 1993 and I still love it! I have taught English in Niigata, Japan and in Masan, South Korea, and the rest of the time at the English Language Institute at Missouri State University. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my children, learning foreign languages, and traveling.
- MBA Missouri State University
- MS English/TESOL, Illinois State University
- BA Spanish
- CELTA Tutor Training
Professional experience
- CELTA tutor since 2015
- Over 30 years teaching ESL and EFL
- Teacher training for groups of teachers from Brazil and Korea
Spoken languages:
- Korean
- Spanish
- Japanese
Countries traveled to:
- Much of East Asia and South America
- France
- Spain
- Mexico
- Puerto Rico
- Panama
- Australia
- And lots more
Phil Bridges
Hi everybody. I began my first job teaching English as a Second Language in 2007 as
a temporary “fall back plan.” Ten eventful and fulfilling years later, it is hard
to imagine wanting to do anything else. I am currently working at Missouri State,
where I have done a little bit of everything, including teaching in the English Language
Institute and special programs, developing curriculum and assessments, and coordinating
professional development for the program. I began teacher-training in 2016. I love
working with CELTA trainees and helping them maximize their strengths in ways that
benefit their students. When I’m not teaching, I enjoy spending time with my wife
and kids, reading, playing music, and watching baseball.
- MA English, Missouri State University
- Graduate Certificate in TESOL, Missouri State University
- BA in French & Literature (double major), Southwest Missouri State University
- CELTA Tutor Training
Professional Experience
- Over 10 years teaching ESL
- Extensive participation in Professional Organizations, presentations and committee roles
Spoken languages:
- French
- Spanish
Countries traveled to:
- Canada
- Mexico
- Colombia
- Chile
- Honduras
- Belize
- Argentina
- Uruguay
- … and a few more