Academic Lecture Series

Academic Lectures for International Students

The English Language Institute (ELI) invites faculty, staff, and administrators to give academic lectures to international students on campus and abroad. These authentic experiences not only help students prepare for college classes, but also introduce them to new fields of study, and include them in the greater campus community.

This interaction with MSU faculty, staff, and administrators is invaluable to our students. It allows them to:

  • hear authentic English
  • practice taking notes
  • learn vocabulary and concepts in other fields
  • learn about degree programs on campus
  • practice asking questions 

This is also beneficial to the lecturer in that it allows you to:

  • connect with international students
  • augment your cultural competence
  • recruit potential matriculates to your field or department
  • practice a presentation that you need to give in the future 

Please consider becoming a guest lecturer in our Academic Lecture Series. You can present in person or Zoom about any topic of your choice and you don’t need to modify your English. That’s the point!

For more details or to sign up, contact Cali Pettijohn at

Please check out the event calendar  to choose dates and see previous or upcoming lecturers and topics.