The Intersection between Service-Learning and Intercultural Competence: A Win-Win for Students and Community

Time: 2:30 p.m. - 3:20 p.m.

Location: PSU Room 308

Hybrid: Zoom link

Abstract - The high-impact practice of service-learning is a powerful teaching method to help students connect their course content with real-world experience, while fostering increased student success, retention, career competencies, intercultural competence, and commitment to community. In this session, a panel of faculty, students, and community partners will share how service-learning provides students the opportunity to develop key skills, attitudes, sensitivities, and abilities that not only help the student learn, but helps to set them apart in the workplace and within our society – competencies that employers say are a must in today’s world. We look forward to seeing you at our session.

Key Take-Aways for Audience

  1. What is and is not service-learning
  2. How service-learning fosters intercultural compentence and benefits students and community
  3. Next steps for considering service-learning for your course.


  • Service-Learning Faculty & Students


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