Re-Thinking International Student Success: From Challenges to Opportunities.

Time: 3:30 p.m. - 4:20 p.m.

Location: PSU Room 315

Hybrid: Zoom link

Abstract - How can faculty leverage the presence of international students in their classes to encourage deeper thinking and cultural competence while supporting them appropriately? The presence of international students on our campus presents opportunities as well as challenges for faculty members. Panelists from various departments and programs will discuss ways that faculty can engage international students. Faculty will gain insights into the specific issues facing international students these days and how they can leverage support services specific to this population of students for everything from academic integrity concerns to students' mental health and academic performance.

Key Take-Aways for Audience

  1. Insight to the international student experience, knowledge regarding support services geared towards international students
  2. Insight into how these challenges can be turned into mutual learning opportunities.


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