Effect of International Choir Tours and Short Term Education Abroad Programs on Intercultural Competence
Time: 3:30 p.m. - 4:20 p.m.
Location: PSU Room 308
Hybrid: Zoom link
Abstract - In May 2022, students participated in a faculty led choir tour to South Africa as a requirement of Chorale. In Aug 2022, students enrolled in MUS399 and ART200, travelling to Paris on a 10-day faculty led program. The aim of this presentation is to show how these experiences develop Intercultural sensitivity. Data was collected from students who studied abroad. Questionnaires were used to show how education abroad experiences enhance one’s understanding of other cultures. Since literature of singing encompasses a diverse group of people, languages and sensitivity to other cultures, intercultural competence is important. Students self-selected to participate.
Key Take-Aways for Audience
- Skills developed through study abroad enhances one's understanding of other cultures
- Intercultural sensitivity is necessary for the collaboration required for vocal performance and teaching
- Since the literature of singing encompasses a diverse group of people and languages, sensitivity to other cultures, respect for the language, and a deeper understanding of the poetry, affects performance as well as relationships.

- Students