Gaining Cultural Superpowers for Employment Opportunities/Advancement through Education Abroad.
Time: 10:30 a.m. - 11:20 a.m.
Location: PSU Room 315
Hybrid: Zoom link
Abstract - Education abroad is a High Impact Practice – meaning it brings huge opportunities for growth during an intense period. Education Abroad experiences include gaining skills that are not only useful while students are in another country, but these are also transferable skills, useful in every other aspect of life. This session will share the cultural superpowers that can be acquired or strengthen through engaged study abroad, as well as testimonies about how those superpowers prepare students for employment in an evolving world. Join Ivan Munoz, Area Sales Manager, International Division, Inc., Dr. Barri Tinkler, Dean, COE, and Desmond Warren, MSU Education Abroad alumnus, for a panel discussion facilitated by Elizabeth Strong, Director, Education Abroad, for conversation about education abroad’s impact on employability and career advancement.
One student attendee will receive funding for a free passport!
Key Take-aways for Audience
- Be able to identify 10 Cultural Superpowers
- Understand how those superpowers prepare students to compete in the job market and advance in their careers
- Gain an employer’s perspective on education abroad