Returning to the Circle

Time: 2:30 p.m. - 3:20 p.m.

Location: PSU Room 315

Hybrid: Zoom link

Abstract - Using the BIPOC tradition of circles in a Psychology of Diversity course, we have intentionally created space and setting for students to develop interpersonal relationships through engaging with faculty and other students about substantive matters and difficult differences. These are skills valued by both the American Psychological Association Undergraduate Major Guidelines and high impact educational practice guidelines. This session, presented with students from my current diversity course, will highlight the history of circles, explain our adaptation and delivery process and include experiences these students are having considering course concepts, differing life experiences and personal identity with each other.

Key Take-Aways for Audience

  1. Brief explanation of the tradition of circles.
  2. Differences between regular group discussions and circles.
  3. Tips and tricks for implementation.


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