ILTC Experience

In all our programming, we seek to provide each student with a well-rounded experience focusing on three key aspects: academics, practical training, and cultural integration.

The ILTC provides customized, short-term training programs for international clients:  universities, businesses, government agencies, and professional associations. Our approach is simple – we listen first. Once we understand your organization’s specific training needs, we build a customized plan to meet your goals for program content, delivery time and participant experience. We have the capability to offer various types of programs:

  • Short-term study tours for university students
  • Topic-specific training programs for professionals
  • Exposure to best practices in management and leadership
  • English language instruction and cross-cultural training   

Training programs provided by the ILTC go beyond the classroom to deliver a complete experience for participants. Most programs will include a combination of in-class instruction coupled with practical experience such as business visits, interaction with professional peers in the U.S., cultural immersion, and sightseeing activities. In some cases, training programs that focus on specific professional skills can be delivered abroad.

  • Academics


Whether on a program for academic credit or for professional development, we arrange each educational experience with highly qualified instructors in a way that meets your program’s goals. Each program we produce is customized to the client’s academic necessities, including quality English instruction if required.

Aside from classroom lectures and learning, we also provide practical training, visits to local businesses and discussions with field professionals. We create and schedule visits to nearby institutions where learning can happen in a practical sense. Whether visiting farms in the countryside, business leaders in downtown Springfield, or practicing in the laboratory, practical training is a key objective in each ILTC program.

  • Culture


Part of the excitement of ILTC programs is the opportunity to learn about U.S. culture from the inside. We provide plenty of opportunities throughout the year to involve our guests in American cultural events, including holidays, food festivals, sporting events, concerts, art exhibits, and the great outdoors.

Contact the International Leadership and Training Center via email, phone, or mail for more information about the programs we offer.