Through the Pages of a Book: Teaching for Anti-Racism and Global Competence with Children's and Adolescent Literature
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 9:20 a.m.
Location: Zoom Session
This presentation describes the work a team at George Mason University is undertaking, with the support of a Longview Foundation Grant, to support the development of understanding of global issues surrounding refugees and racism. The goal is to engage teacher education students with research-based strategies for teaching for global competence and anti-racist education, attending specifically to global thinking routines, micro-teaching tools that can foster inquiry about the world beyond one’s immediate environment, engage learners in perspective taking of others’ viewpoints, invite respectful dialog with diverse others, and spark thinking around acting and advocating for a more just and sustainable world.
Key Take-aways for Audience
- Global Competence instruction is developing the capacity and disposition in students to understand and act on issues of global significance.
- Global Thinking Routines can deepen understanding of and for global competence (examples provided)
- Children’s and adolescent literature provides a platform for understanding the life experiences of the Other (examples provided)
Dr. April Mattix Foster

Dr. Kathleen Ann Ramos

Dr. Sarah Rich

Dr. Rebecca Eisenberg